OpenStack Kilo Summit Talk Proposals


Interoperable OpenStack cloudforms with RHEL OpenStack Platform and Partners

Achieving Data Consistency Across Different Authoritative Source Systems; DNS, DHCP, Provisioning, Asset, CM, ..

Testing Distributed Systems on OpenStack

Performance does matter

Continuous delivery and the challenges for a public cloud

Managing QA: Flexibility with devstack and Vagrant

Operational Challenges in Managing OpenStack

How to make my cloud resilient

CI/CD from Upstream OpenStack to Public Cloud Infrastructure

Real-time Statistics with Horizon

Lessons learned deploying and managing OpenStack with Chef

Best Practices of Operating a Production-Ready OpenStack Deployment on thousands nodes

ISO standards for cloud and OpenStack Ecosystem

WinRM on OpenStack

Tales From the Field: A Day in the Life of Cloud Operations

MySQL and OpenStack Deep Dive

A Scalable Multi-tenant Logging and Metrics as a Service for OpenStack and Cloud Applications

Performance Tuning a Cloud Application - A real World Case Study

Implementing an OpenStack Deployment –Trials and tribulations to a scalable service

Automated Deployment: Turn key Monitoring

Ironic 101: Learning the basics of OpenStack bare metal provisioning.

OpenStack - Did You Know?

OpenStack APIs Testing using Tempest

Managing Openstack with puppet masterless

Operations and Logging as a Service

Operationalizing OpenStack: Adding Monitoring, Logging, Alerting, Backups and Configuration Management to your OpenStack environment using open source tools.

Monitoring Openstack in the Enterprise

CMDB for OpenStack public cloud based assets

Simplifying the Complexity of OpenStack Deployments

New Horizons for the OpenStack interface

Assembling, operating, and scaling OpenStack Environments

Highly Available OpenStack done right

Openstacks all the way down.

OpenStack Performance Tuning

Openstack upgrade without down time

Telemetry for Analysis and Problem Solving in Production Environments

Yahoo! Japan - Datacenter Transformation through Openstack and highly available networks to achieve scale and automation

Diagnosing OpenStack problems using operational logs

Benchmarking the Different Cinder Storage Backends

Deploying OpenStack in the Enterprise: Simply automating!

"Long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of terror"- Upgrading Live Openstack Clusters

Operationalizing OpenStack using Red Hat CloudForms Cloud Management Platform

Openstack Ops using Serf and Puppet

Managing OpenStack Logs in the Real World

Integrated Operation Management: Time to Switch to OSS with Hatohol

Scaling OpenStack Services: The Pre-TripleO Service Cloud

Introduction for Testing your OpenStack Cloud with Tempest and Jenkins

OpenStack High Availability: Are We There Yet?

Easy Package Handling for Deployment

OpenStack 'Just Works' on Dell PowerEdge

The Real OpenStack Admins of California: Operationalizing Multi-Hypervisor OpenStack

Learning to Scale OpenStack: Juno Update from the Rackspace Public Cloud

Designing for Scale: Data Storage in OpenStack

Accurate Tracking of Physical Assets and their Attributes in Large/Dense Data-Centers

Schema Management: Versioning and Automation with Puppet and MySQL Utilities

Gotta bring ‘em together to monitor OpenStack

Hybrid OpenStack & Non-OpenStack Infrastructure-as-a-Service

Predictive Modeling of Metrics as a Basis for OpenStack Utilization Analysis and Capacity Planning

Deploying Marconi

CI/CD Pipeline to Deploy and Maintain an OpenStack IaaS Cloud

Updating your OpenStack environment to the latest and greatest version

Deploying OpenStack with Docker

CI/CD in practice: Real world deployment and management

Tool Set for Evaluating OpenStack New Release or Configuration Before Production

Reasoning About OpenStack Production Issues by Observing Message Queue

Are We Done Yet? Testing OpenStack Deployments

Building a Roadmap for Managing a Pet Friendly Cloud using Openstack and oVirt with ManageIQ

OpenStack HA Nirvana on Ubuntu

The road to minimally impacting live upgrades of the Rackspace Public Cloud

Discover Heat

OpenStack, My love and challenge story, a story of experience with distributions

PDMon: Scaling Icinga to HP's Public Cloud

Analyzing OpenStack on OpenStack

Managing Resource Sprawl in OpenStack Cloud

How to Building a Carrier Grade Cloud - OpenStack is a Paradise of A RE RE -

Building your own Openstack Continuous Integration Environment

Application-Aware Cloud Intelligence — Predictive Mining and Self Learning

Building the RackStack: Packaging from Upstream OpenStack

Configuring Ceilometer for fun and profit!

Deploying the stack for fun and profit

Guest Image lifecycle

Troubleshooting Neutron: Keeping Both Your Real and Virtual Networks Running

A Data Center Management Solution leveraging OpenStack

openstack -woman is possible

OpenStack for VMware Operators

Cloud Performance Optimization: Using Rally and OSProfiler for OpenStack

StackTach.v3 - Flexible, Scalable & Reliable Event Processing

Trove Performance Tuning for MySQL

[use-case] From devs to ops : deploy, upgrade and rule an Openstack platform in production

Workload optimization using Heat Orchestration Template

An Operators View into OpenStack Cloud

Build OpenStack Tracing Infrastructure

Operating OpenStack at Scale

Tempest Out Of the Gate: Validating Baselines and Interoperability via Refstack

Automating interoperability - lessons learned building 3000+ clouds per month

Fixing Logs for Fun & Profit

Tales from the Trenches: the Good, Bad, and Ugly of OpenStack Operations

TryStack: Free to use public OpenStack cloud

How We Fought for OpenStack HA

Breaking Down OpenStack Deployment Barriers

MySQL Database Operations in the OpenStack World

Practical Experience from a Real Install

Next-Gen Organizational Design - Growth-hacking with "BusDevOps"

Using OpenStack and Sahara to Run Automated Tests: How 9 Women Can Deliver a Baby in 1 Month

Monasca Overview: Monitoring as a Service

Using Docker for rapid OpenStack development process

Experiences in delivering a HA Openstack distribution with TripleO

Automating Large-Scale OpenStack Deployments

OpenStack training - Open Source training an enablement for OpenStack

How we scaled OpenStack to launch 168,000 cloud instances.

OpenStack Reference Architecture: Scaling to Infinity and Beyond

OpenStack, the metadata crisis.

Tuning Openstack for availability and performance in large production deployments

Data Driven OpenStack Operations: Lessons learned and Future Challenges

Host and Guest Database Backup and Recovery for OpenStack Ops

Choosing the Right Database in the OpenStack World


Flow based diagnostics and root cause analysis for OpenStack

OpenStack Performance and Scalability in small/medium private deployments

Using Heat & Ceilometer to deploy enterprise grade applications in an OpenStack cloud.

Capacity Management/provisioning (Cloud's full, can't build here)

Containerize All The Things

Unplugging the network infrastructure bottleneck

Entwicklung von Cluster-Tools mit OpenStack Python Clients

Upgrading in Place from Grizzly to Icehouse: A Cautionary Tale

Deploying the stack for fun and profit

Lessons Learned from a Research OpenStack Environment

AutoCS, Suning Integrated and Unified Cloud Management Platform

Build an Unified Operation Center to manage hybrid OpenStack Clouds

Federation Before Federated Keystone

Deploying Databases for OpenStack

A DevOps Stool: Do You Have Enough Legs to Stand on for Product Delivery?

Simplified access to Swift's statsd monitoring metrics

rock the performance: OpenStack on OSv

Enterprise Operational Sustainability and Configuration Management

Performance Visualization for Enterprise OpenStack Clouds @ Scale


Why is OpenStack an opportunity for Startups?

So You Want to Start an Openstack Business


Fireside Chat: Getting VCs to Believe your OpenStack Story

Building an ROI on your OpenStack investment - Proof that you're optimizing IT Spend!

Extinction or Evolution? Exploring Impacts of DefCore Panel

Panel: Piercing the OpenStack Bubble: The Investor's Perspective

Stackcelerator - an accelerator for OpenStack startups

Title Email Test

How the Channel will profit from the next wave of OpenStack software defined data centers

Targeting OpenStack Clouds

Writing OpenStack based cross-platform mobile applications in C#

Developing Vertical Industry Software Products Ecosystem on OpenStack

OpenStack as the preferred platform for IoT (Internet of Things) workloads

Programming OpenStack - A Survey of Tools and Techniques

Practical advice on deployment and management of enterprise workloads

Win the Enterprise: Application high availability

Creating Continuous Delivery pipelines and DevOps-ify your company with an OpenStack cloud

Improve your Ceph-awareness: Virtual Storage Manager for Ceph

Industrializing Application Onboarding and Migration to OpenStack

Running Production CloudFoundry Workloads on OpenStack

The State of OpenStack Data Processing: Sahara, Now and in Kilo

Enabling remote DAS use-case for diskless dense micro servers with Ironic, Ceph and BIOS extensions A monitoring, alerting and automation service that supports multi-cloud hybrid environments

OpenStack as a Foundation for a SW Ecosystem in Service Provider Networks

Portable blueprint to model your environment - in CloudForms <-> TOSCA <-> HEAT

Datalocality for Hadoop on Openstack

Massive Apps on Cloud Foundry with OpenStack Neutron as its communication fabric.

Getting Started with OpenStack Python SDK

Automated Life cycle management of large scale Cloud Foundry deployments on OpenStack

You'll Never Look the Same Way at Developer Support Again

App Provisioning with Head & Puppet

Introducing pkgcloud: OpenStack SDK for node.js

Ciao: Continuous Integration for Apps on OpenStack

So Many Layers!: Using OpenStack Resources from inside OpenStack Hosted CloudFoundry Applications

Upgrading in Place from Grizzly to Icehouse: A Cautionary Tale

Docker, OpenStack and Cloud Foundry - A heady Cocktail !

Application Deployment Service Based on Heat and Chef


State of Heat-based Software Configuration on Windows Guests

The road to a OpenStack native application: What if VMs are treated as Linux processes?

Autoscaling for Born on the Cloud Applications

OpenStack Data Processing (Sahara): Use cases, direction and performance

Integrated Operation Management: Time to Switch to OSS with Hatohol

Mobile and Cloud Applications for Your OpenStack Infrastructure

The Code to Cloud Toolchain

Je parle OpenStack

Application Centric MicroServices

Javascript in Openstack or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the APIs

Log Management for Cloud Apps - ELKStack like a Beast

Building applications with Swift: The Swift Developer On-Ramp

Distributed, large scale data processing pipeline on OpenStack

Technical Deep Dive: Big Data Computations Using Elastic Data Processing in OpenStack Cloud

Portable Application Deployment with TOSCA and Juju

Oars in the Cloud: Virtualization-aware Galera instances

Application & Network Orchestration using HEAT & TOSCA


Fast data: The step after big data; VoltDB "NewSQL" on OpenStack

Troubleshooting Problems in Heat Deployments

Lessons Learned from Implementing an Application DevOps Environment on OpenStack

Why automation is REQUIRED for apps in OpenStack

Building a Container Cloud: experiences running docker containers in OpenStack on multiple hosts with Heat and Neutron Networking

Performance Tuning of DevStack on a Cloud

ACIDic Clusters: Review of contemporary ACID-compliant databases with synchronous replication

Application Driven Network Services for OpenStack

Lightweight OpenStack Benchmarking Service with Rally and Docker

Marrying Big Data to OpenStack in financial services

Big Data and OpenStack – Star Trek style

OpenStack: The application gamechanger

Trove in the real world – Adventures in running production workloads on upstream code

OpenStack Native Docker CI/CD for App Developers

Show me the services! (Leveraging OpenStack PaaS for Helion ALS apps)

Enabling an Ecosystem of TOSCA portable Cloud Applications on OpenStack Heat

Testing Overcloud Platform Service Apps before deploying Production workloads

Heat: Beyond the Basics

Extending OpenStack IaaS with Cloud Foundry PaaS

Orchestrating and Administering Database Clusters in OpenStack

Extending The Pane of Glass: Building Horizon Panels for Non-OpenStack Applications

Surge: Real time data analysis as a service on OpenStack

TOSCA to the Max - Topology Driven Monitoring of the Entire App Lifecycle

Application Catalog — Three Facets of Managing OpenStack Workloads


Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Powered by Cloudscaling OCS & OpenContrail

Next Steps for Neutron Group Based Policy

A enhanced service chaining implementation for NFV

Cisco Cloud Services - Scaleable and Secured Network Architecture

Enhancing OpenStack High Availability and Reliability with OpenContrail

Building scalable and resilient networks for OpenStack environments.

Flow-aware Dynamic Service Chaining in OpenStack and OpenDaylight

OpenStack Powered Next Generation ICT Converged Service Platform

An NFV primer

Combatting Load Balancer sprawl

Bringing Internet scale, IPv6 and resilience to OpenStack networks

VXLAN Gateways - Bridging software overlays to physical workloads using white box top-of-rack switching

Openstack integration to Cisco Validated Designs

NFV Orchestration with OpenStack

Enterprise-class Virtual Networking Solution for OpenStack private-cloud environments

Service chaining in Openstack Neutron

Neutron is not broken: real world uses cases and deployments of Neutron without breaking the bank

VxLan offloads - overcoming performance challenges with Hardware offloads

NFV Case Study: Video Conference as a Service in OpenStack with Graphics Virtualization

We need a holistic network infrastructure: Why controllers are not cutting it

Neutron Extensions to Support NFV Service Graphs

Building highly scalable & available OpenStack Networks

Leveraging SDN to provide Secure Multi-tenancy in the Enterprise Cloud

Neutron and BGP VPNs

nova-network internals

Octavia: Next generation Neutron LBaaS driver for large scale operator Clouds

Network Services in Neutron

Migrating production workloads from OVS to Linux Bridge w/ ML2

Perfect Storm: OpenStack+SDN/NFV+BigData

OpenContrail and OpenStack Neutron: A status update from the field

Bridges and Tunnels: A Drive Through OpenStack Networking

NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) Service Chaining for Telcos using OpenStack

Service Chaining with Neutron ML2 and ODL in Service Provider Networks

Dell and Midokura: Deploying a Single Cloud Across Multiple Sites With OpenStack in a Box and SDN

SDN and Openstack: Synergies and Opportunities

On-Demand provisioning of MPLS VPNs for inter-datacenter connectivity

Openstack LBaaS Autoscaling (Load Balancing as a Service)

Reliable virtual networking infrastructure for OpenStack clouds

Building F500 Cloud-Scale Network with OpenStack

Pets, Cattle, and the Herding Dogs

OVX: Virtual Software Defined Networks

VXLAN in Hardware

Accelerate network access to OpenStack block storage

Neutron Roundtable: Overlay or full SDN?

Experience of troubleshooting neutron security groups.

How to prove OS is IPv6 ready?

introduction to Tacker servicevm project

I put it in the Container but then I lost it!

OpenStack IPv6 Support

Helping Traditional Network Teams accept and advocate for SDN and Virtual Networking.

Supporting Network Polices in Neutron with an SDN Controller

Generic OAM for NaaS

SDN implementation : Nuage Networks + Openstack for Numergy

Managing Open vSwitch across a large heterogenous fleet

Building Scalable, Programmable Network Fabric with SDN

Open Networking and SDN for Next-generation OpenStack Clouds

Need for a peer to peer key exchange protocol based on Openstack Keystone: true security requires encryption at the source and relying on black clouds

Crossing the chasm between underlay and overlay with OpenStack

La vie d’un paquet

Enhance the Flexibility and Security of OpenStack Hadoop Deployment with SDN and NFV

Distributed Forwarding Plane Based on Neutron, ODL and vSwitch

Goodbye L2: L3 all the way to the servers!

Load balancing as a service v2.0 - Juno and beyond

Neutron SDN Deployments: Operational and Performance Challenges

Group Based Policy Extension for Networking

The Dynamic Duo: SDN and NFV, Better Together

Truth, Lies, and Multi-level Modeling


OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Routers - Under the hood

A Tale of Two Layers - Correlating Overlay and Underlay Network Data for better OpenStack Network Analytics

Launching with OpenContrail: the implementation of a collaborative Agile Delivery Model

Neutron Network Node High Availability

Scaling Open Cloud Network Services without Compromise

I’m a VIP: I can be anywhere!

Introducing Tacker (Service VM) project

Getting Started with Neutron Group-based Policy

IPv6 Features in OpenStack Juno

SDN Battle Scars: Stories from the Front Line

Modular Plugin (ML3) for Advanced L3 Service to Enable Both SW and HW Routers

Pushing Packet through OpenStack: How Good is OpenStack for the NFV Use Case?

Building a Robust Infrastructure with RHEL-OSP and PLUMgrid

vSphere support in OpenStack Networking

SDN Control Plane Simulation for Scalability Test

SDDC – The Choice Is Yours

Plate Tectonics: What to expect when Openstack meets SDN

Lessons Learned from Enterprise CPE Virtualization - Achieving the Next Level of Openness and Flexibility by Combining SDN and NFV in an OpenStack Environment

Can you trust Neutron? A tour of scalability and reliability improvements from Havana to Juno

Building a Next Generation Cloud Network

Transport Layer Security in Neutron LBaaS and Barbican

Software Networks for Multi-hypervisor Environments

NFV + SDN: Now Playing on Your OpenStack Cloud!

Architectural overview of Distributed Virtual Routers in OpenStack Neutron

Adventures in scale testing Neutron on a Bare Metal SDN network

OpenStack Networking "Neutron" for Docker, Mesos & Elastic Apps.

Building an Openstack Cloud From the Network Perspective

Demo of a Bare Metal SDN Network for OpenStack

Designate: An Overview of Openstack DNSaaS

Taking Neutron to the next level - how to orchestrate your networking with Heat, TOSCA, & your CM tool of choice


Building Network Virtualization Overlays with OVSDB

Moving to a Neutron Distributed Virtual Router enabled cloud: Key Considerations.

Deep into Neutron strongSwan IPSec VPNaaS Driver

Unthrottling the Network: Delivering high throughput with OpenStack

VxLAN Gateway implementation with Openstack and Midonet

Building a Hyperscale, Agile Infrastructure using Brocade networking technologies and RedHat OpenStack to meet the evolving needs of On-Demand Data Center

It’s OpenStack, SDN, *and* NFV. (And not or!)

Rack Aware Networking - making Nova understand complex physical datacenter topologies.

Scaling Neutron for public cloud usage with OpenContrail

Seamlessly Interconnecting Distributed Data Center Infrastructure: Where SDN is Making the Difference and How it Integrates to OpenStack

Open Source Backends for OpenStack Neutron

Advances in Open SDN Interoperability

OpenStack Neutron with Open vSwitch Tunnelling


Akanda: Layer 3+ Virtual Networking Services for OpenStack

Scalable, High Performance, Transparent, Isolated Tenant Networks using Layer 3 networking with IPv6

Deep Performance Optimization on Neutron Security Group Mechanism


High performance virtual switching targeted for NFV data plane applications

Distributed Routing to Overcome Networking Bottlenecks

Leveraging the physical network in OpenStack for visibility, performance, and service insertion

A Complete Makeover of Junosphere SaaS-based Network Simulation with OpenStack and OpenContrail

Mining Openstack logs - a Neutron example

VXLAN Demystified

The Open NFV Organization, Neutron and Open Daylight

How Neutron builds network topology for your multi-tier application?

Neutron is Impossible!

Products Tools Services

Automatically Bootstrap My Whole Infrastructure Please, and Not Just My Servers

Optimizing Multi-tier Enteprise Application Deployments on OpenStack using IBM Platform Resource Scheduler

Bench Marking Services - A Critical Need for the Industry

The Joy of Testing a whole Cloud Distribution

Aviator: Accessing the OpenStack API with Ruby

Performance Evaluation Toolset for Designing Large-scale OpenStack Deployment

Panel: Open Source OpenStack Provisioning Tools: What, Why, and How?

Challenges in developing Baremetal Cloud product using OpenStack

Mistral: Using an OpenStack Workflow Service for Operations Automation

Moving Your Existing Software Stack onto OpenStack

Code, Review, Repeat - Code the Openstack Way

HP Reference Architecture for OpenStack on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Advanced OpenStack Networking with Red Hat and PLUMGrid

Visualization Techniques for Your OpenStack Cluster

Design & Deployment of Modern Cloud Infrastructures with Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform with Big Switch’s Bare Metal SDN-based Big Cloud Fabric

Digging Deep: OpenStack Neutron & NSX with KVM, Docker, vSphere, Hyper-V, Xen & Bare-metal hosts

Openstack with Cisco ACI - solution deep dive

Automate all the Things

Automatic data backup and restore with Freezer

vSphere Storage Architecture on OpenStack

The hard things about spinning down disk drives

The OpenStack Gravity Well - Pulling in Vendor Collaboration

OpenStack on a silver platter

Congress: Policy as a Service

OpenStack Intelligence - be intelligent about your stack!

Cryptography in OpenStack: Uses and Opportunities

FlashCloud: Lighting Fast Deployment of Openstack

How to deploy highly scalable hybrid clouds with Avi Networks and Red Hat OpenStack

Kubernetes, CoreOS and OpenStack

Cryptographic Performance in Python

Openstack Toolbox: Give your users the power to do it themselves

Block Storage: When Ceph is not enough

OpenStack SDN/NFV Validation - Creating a Highly Collaborative Environment for DevOps

Even better OpenStack troubleshooting

Stack Mobile: Android app for managing an Openstack-based cloud on the go

Moving from Concept to Hyperscale with Quanta Hardware

Building an enterprise cloud using IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack

Mistral - Workflow Service for OpenStack

Awesome Visualization Techniques Enabled for Your OpenStack Cluster

Cloud Operations Dashboard Demo: Cloudscaling OCS User Interface

Solum: Making Full Use of Mistral for CI/CD Tasks

A Realtime Billing System for OpenStack

Towards support for cross version upgrades in Openstack

Positioning OpenStack

Building a hyperscale agile infrastructure with Avi Networks and Red Hat OpenStack

Power your Cloud - Exploiting IBM Power8 scale-out Linux servers with Ubuntu OpenStack

Deploy and Orchestrate Openstack and SDN Services to Build Responsive Infrastructure

The Benefits of Hyperscale, Without the Hyperscale

A framework for Continuous Delivery of Openstack

ClusterControl: Efficient and reliable MySQL Management, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting for OpenStack HA

Rating and Billing: The challenge after a successful OpenStack™ deployment

The importance of API accessibility

You've got a cloud, now what?

Ultimate Enterprise Infrastructure: The business model, technical innovations and user case involved in building a Hyper-converged appliance on Openstack

IBM Project Zenith: Security, Availability and Resiliency for OpenStack Clouds

Build profiling tools to measure your cloud performance

3 Reasons DaaS on OpenStack Should be Part of your Strategy

Active Archive solution based on object storage

The Seagate Kinetic Open Storage Platform in Action

Vagrant Up a Stand-alone, Multi-Node OpenStack Swift Cluster

Teaching Mature Systems New Tricks: How OpenStack can Transform your Enterprise Class Systems

Rethinking Ceilometer metric storage with Gnocchi: Time-series as a Service

DNSaaS Deployment and Configuration

Who is who in the zoo of OpenStack Automation

Deploying OpenStack with Cisco Networking, Compute and Storage

Designing a Cross-Project UI Framework for Building the Next Generation of Wizards: Challenges and Solutions

Advanced MySQL Performance Monitoring for OpenStack Ops

Above the Cloud: IronMQ as the Service Layer Broker

NFV Orchestration and Management, the OpenStack Way

Evaluating vendors and drivers in OpenStack deployments with Rally + OSProfiler

Integrated Operation Management: Time to Switch to OSS with Hatohol

McAfee NGFW(Next Generation FireWall) integration with OpenStack Neutron

Tackling the Complexity of OpenStack Testing

A monitoring system for OpenStack based on Ceilometer

OpenStack QA, Tempest, Bug Triage with Live Tempest Demo

Who Ate My Lunch? A SWOT appraisal of OpenStack alternatives

Accelerate Enterprise OpenStack Adoption

Can WORM and Compliance be achieved on a software defined platform?

OpenStack Solution with SUSE & Hedera for secure & efficient OpenStack Clouds

Deploying and Auto-scaling Applications on OpenShift with Heat

Adopt TripleO tools for your own project

Migrating Enterprise Applications from VMware to OpenStack made simple

Practices of reliability & availability for Openstack in Telecom scenario

Amysta Billing for OpenStack Ceilometer

There Must Be Money in There Somewhere: The SDP Imperative for OpenStack

Pumphouse: Workload Migration and Rolling Upgrades of OpenStack Cloud

Visualizing OpenStack Clouds

DNSaaS - Operators guide to server pools

OpenStack and VMware: Managing Your Cloud Resources

OpenStack Policy

Pluribus and Oracle - Bringing SDN Benefits to the OpenStack and OpenDaylight Communities

Glint - Image distribution in a multi-cloud environment.

Advanced MySQL Performance Monitoring for OpenStack Ops

Future proof your Backups for the OpenStack Cloud

Cloud Security

OpenStack API Security Testing Automation in Action!

Key Wrapping in Barbican - A Path to Federation

Security and Network Intrusion Detection Practise in Suning OpenStack based production cloud

Identifying Security Issues in the Cloud: Threat Analysis for OpenStack

Workload Protection using Dynamic Insertion of Network Middle Boxes

Policy & Security in the "Goldilocks" Zone.

Extending Barbican - Managing Secrets and Events Your Way

Is your OpenStack environment secure? Let's talk about Threat Modeling

Security Constraints and Solutions.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Virtualized Firewall in OpenStack Cloud powered by OpenContrail

Utilizing Application Delivery Controllers to protect your OpenStack API from application and ddos attacks..

Enterprise Ready OpenStack – Implementing Security and Trust Compliance in OpenStack Hybrid Cloud

Secure Containers in Openstack using LXC and User Namespaces

Trusted Bare Metal – What’s that?

Trust your stack - security challenges and opportunities in Openstack.

SSL Everywhere with Ephemeral PKI

Secure Keystone Deployment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

OSSG: Delivering and Improving on Security in OpenStack

East-West Firewall for East-West Traffic in Cloud Data Centers

Leveraging existing identity sources for OpenStack clouds

Crypto, Python 3 and PyPy - A Path Forward for OpenStack

Let’s fix the policy engine!

Trustworthy GeographIcally Fenced Clouds (TGIF-Cs)

Security: It’s more than just your database you should worry about

Data Privacy in the Cloud

Getting Ahead of the Game: Finding Security Issues in OpenStack Code at the Gate

Secure Key Management via Barbican's Plugin Architecture

Extending Security to SaaS and PaaS Services using OpenStack

OpenStack Public Cloud: The Security Operations Perspective

Highly available networking with OpenStack


Federation Management Using Keystone

Auditing, Automation and Data Analysis via Openstack Eventing

Transparent Encryption Using Barbican

Using Ceilometer data to detect fraudulent activity in our OpenStack cluster

Protecting the Crown Jewel: Security hardening of OpenStack Identity Service - Keystone with Symantec Data Center Security: Server Advanced

Cloud Security – Protect your VMs from “Malicious Insider Threats” in OpenStack Cloud

Management of Master key encryption keys

Securing Data at Rest

Common Sense Security for OpenStack Clouds

Security Group Extensions for Enterprise Security

Cloud Security – Do you know where workloads are running? - Ensuring boundary Control in OpenStack Cloud.

Virtual Mobile Infrastructure on OpenStack with SELinux

Make your OpenStack Cloud Self-Defending with VESPA!

Team Gender Diversity -- Working with the other 50%

Defining network security and policy enforcement in OpenStack environments

Moon: a customized and pluggable access control module to enable multi-tenancy in OpenStack

Optimizing SSH for the Cloud

Enterprise IT Strategies

Navigating the OpenStack Ecosystem

Standardized Cloud Unit Of Measures

Schrodinger's Cat: Evangelizing the possibilities of what's in the OpenStack "box" for your organization

Why OpenStack is still bad at enterprise and what we can to to fix it

OpenStack Service Availability - Make every day a cloudy day

Making OpenStack Safe for Pets

Why OpenStack is part of your future in IT

Server SAN Enterprise Readiness—Hype or Reality?

How Do I Get My Hardware OpenStack-Ready?

Separating Fact from Fiction – OpenStack Success in the Enterprise

How to Take the CI/CD Plunge or How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love the Bomb

PaaS and OpenStack - The Strategy for an Agile Enterprise

OpenStack lessons learned from Red Hat Architects

License Cost Aware VM Provisioning in Openstack

Developing Cloud Adoption Strategy

Billing Integration Enablement for Ceilometer

Delivering Business Value with OpenStack in the Enterprise

Joining forces for a Full OpenStack Experience

PaaS Implementation Hurdles

Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability for Openstack Enterprise adoption

Managing OpenStack with Red Hat Satellite 6

Panel: VM, Docker Container or Both for the new world?

Adopting Cloud? Unlearn everything you know about traditional enterprise architecture first.

Run your Business Critical Apps in Your OpenStack Cloud now

A Practical Approach to Characterizing and Scaling OpenStack Clouds for High Performance

Microservers and how they could benefit OpenStack DevTest environments

OpenStack Documentation: Community what is your priority?

Building blocks for seamless integration of OpenStack into complex enterprise environment

Migrating from CloudStack to OpenStack

Economics of Bare Metal Switching and SDN for OpenStack

Information Consision and How it Benefits the Cloud

Hidden Influencers

Great Expectations – The New Enterprise Stack

Getting IT out of the way of Enterprise Technology.

What should we take into consideration to build a production OpenStack Cloud?

Benefits of deploying OpenStack and CloudForms at an IT solutions provider

Storage Foundation for OpenStack Compute

Avoiding the "Perpetual Proof-of-Concept": Speeding Enterprise OpenStack Adoption with VMware

Best practicies around Kinetic

How can a Service Provider monetize OpenStack

Compliance Slows Us Down While Cloud Speeds Us Up; Or Does It?

Mission Critical applications in the cloud

What Does Openstack Mean for Enterprise Architecture?

Building a business on Swift or OpenStack

It's Going to Fail: Lifecycle Management Strategies for OpenStack

Improving high availability features to realize reliable enterprise cloud, including traditional IT workload

Are you Cloud Ready?

Succeeding in Outreach to an Open Source Community

You're Doing it Wrong - Top 10 Cloud Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Is Your Enterprise Private Cloud Fibre Channel Ready?

IGT: Leveraging Mirantis OpenStack to Transform Casino Gaming Management

Burn the ships - What is Cloud Native and does it exist?

Enforcing Application networking requirements with OpenStack and OpenDaylight SDN

OpenStack in the Video Game Industry

Guaranteeing Workload Performance & Trust

Beyond DevOps: How OpenStack will commoditize IaaS and liberate IT

State Machines for Structured Design of Cloud Eventing

Community Software Deserves Community Hardware: OpenStack on Open Compute

When Disaster Strikes the Cloud: The Who, What, When, Where and How of OpenStack Disaster Recovery

Ontology Requirements Specification subject to the impact of cloud computing

Software-Defined Storage for OpenStack Platforms

Breaking Enterprise IT with OpenStack

The trials and tribulations of building a private cloud product with Openstack – the HP CloudSystem 8 experience

Transforming to Cloud Native: Nice theory, but how do we transform? Lessons Learned.

Real world SaaS, Business Process Mgmt (BPM) and Integration as a Service (iPaaS) on OpenStack

Standards and Interoperability for cloud deployments with collaborating workload

Initial Use Cases for OpenStack & Cinder In Your Enterprise IT Strategy

Ensuring Service Assurance For Your Fibre Channel Based Private Cloud

Love your pets don't kill them: transitioning Enterprise workloads to OpenStack.

Maximising quality in your OpenStack private cloud effort

Building Large-Scale Business Applications using OpenStack Concepts

Coexistence - OpenStack, Public Clouds and the Enterprise

OpenStack in Production: Real world use cases and reference archiectures

Ask the Experts: OpenStack as a Service or as a Distribution?

Modeling the true TCO for enterprise storage

How I learned to upgrade every six months and enjoy it!

Deployments at Scale - From 0 to 1000X Instances on OpenStack

Log Management for Cloud Apps - ELKStack like a Beast

OpenStack and vSphere/vCenter: Best Practices for "Classic" Enterprise and Cloud-ready Apps

Deploying Keystone on the Java Platform

Resiliency and Performance Engineering for OpenStack at Enterprise Scale

Panel: How did we bring OpenStack to my Enterprise.


Deploying Red Hat Block and Object Storage with Mellanox and Red Hat OpenStack

Ouroboros: OpenStack-on-OpenStack on a NetApp Integrated Infrastructure

OpenStack Swift Proxy Pipelines

Balancing open-source and vendor-based solutions in an enterprise OpenStack deployment

Vanquish performance bottlenecks and deliver a resilient, agile infrastructure with all flash storage and OpenStack

Cold storage with Object Storage technologies

" Swift 2.0 - Storage Redefined "

First returns on experience with Kinetic with Object Storage


Deep Dive into Cinder integration with Virtual Storage Appliance

How to run everything on Swift - Use cases that fit the bill

What can you do with Storage Policies - Building your own storage policies

Deploying OpenStack Swift: Swiftacular and Swift OnlyOne

Tuning your Swift Cluster for Optimum Performance

Why Ceph-based storage is the natural complement for every OpenStack environment

Party on the Hard Drive - open Ethernet drives

Enterprise caching for OpenStack VMs

Taking the Mystery out of Erasure Codes: A Swift Implementation

API Battle ? S3 vs Swift vs CDMI, can't we speak the same language ?

Getting Ready for NFV: Don’t Forget Storage

Securing iSCSI Storage in OpenStack Cloud using CHAP

Performance-driven optimization for OpenStack Swift and Ceph

Object Storage with Open Source, OpenStack and Open Standards

Is Object Storage better than tape?

Using Openstack Swift for extreme data durability

The best way to build VM storage

Size matters: The possibilities of 10PB+ in a storage rack

Rethinking compute and looking at storage in a different way...

OpenStack with Dell Compellent & EqualLogic Storage

Efficient Data Computation using ZeroVM and Swift

Building a storage solution with OwnCloud and OpenStack Swift

A new paradigm for Storage: a case for eventual consistency

Using Swift Diskfile to Use S3 as a the Object Store

Green Swift

Gluster optimization for unified cloud storage

Deployment Best Practices for OpenStack Software-Defined Storage with Ceph

Multitenancy with Cinder: How Volume Types Enable It

Configuring Ganesha NFS in Manila Shared Filesystem Service

Building an Online Archive using Swift combined with Tape Storage

Cloud Media Computing for Large Scale Image Search on Swift and Kinetics Drives

Ceph Performance Analaysis on Live OpenStack Platform

Drives with Ethernet + how you can use them

Ask the Experts: Challenges for OpenStack Storage

Deploying Swift on a Scale-out File System

Branch caching for geo-distributed enterprises using OpenStack Swift

Backup and Disaster Recovery in and OpenStack Cloud

Building a solution with backup/security VEEAM type apps

Why is my Volume in 'ERROR' State!?! - An Introduction to Troubleshooting Your Cinder Configuration

UKAI: Location aware distributed storage backend

Understanding Openstack Manila File Share Service

Deuce: A De-Duplication API for OpenStack Clouds

Running VMs on top of OpenStack Swift

The Role of Software Defined Storage in OpenStack

What’s New in Ceph

Scaling Your Data Horizontally on the OpenStack MagnetoDB Project

OpenStack Block Storage Overview and introduction of Shared LVM driver

Look closer at MagnetoDB, the key-value storage for OpenStack

All Under One Roof – Making OpenStack Storage Projects Play Together in a Single Storage System

Extensibility in Swift

Predictable Cinder Performance with SolidFire Storage

Nova direct attached storage tiers

Life of a Cinder Volume

Hardware Selection using Swift Object Storage

What are the advantages of Swift Object Storage, and which use cases best fit?

Performance Myths of Swift Object Storage

Can we agree on object storage benchmark metrics?

How to achieve enterprise storage functionality with OpenStack Block Storage

Commodity storage platforms in OpenStack

OpenStack Storage Architectures and Digital Preservation: Lessons learned visiting the Library of Congress.

OpenStack on GlusterFS on Open Compute: A reference design

Storage solutions for a production-level cloud infrastructure

GlusterFS(DFS) performance benchmark in VM and tuning in OpenStack

Scale-Out Ceph: Rethinking How Distributed Storage is Deployed

Minimal Downtime is Too Much: Upgrading an OpenStack Swift Cluster with Zero End-User Downtime

Technical Deep Dive: iSCSI Design and Deployment Considerations for OpenStack

Recommendations for Secure Cinder Deployments using NFS An Open API for CDN Provisioning

Automating Cinder device management using REST based service

The Swift Distributed Processing for Big Data Analytics

Definitive Guide to OpenStack Swift Object Storage - The top 10 things you MUST know

Large scale OpenStack block storage with containerized Ceph

Spanning Multiple data centers with Swift Object Storage

Swift vs Ceph - A case for both

OpenStack and Ceph: match made in the Cloud

Swift performance tooling, methodology, and visibility.

Build your own Disaster ? How an appliance approach can make Ceph storage enterprise ready without hassle !

Using Swift as Storage Backend for ownCloud

Case Study: Multi-regional, Multi-petabyte, Multi-clusterd object storage powered by OpenStack swift

Deploying a Highly Available OpenStack Infrastructure

Let's go deep into the Swift API

Build an High-Performance and High-Durability Block Storage Service based on Ceph

Getting ready for multi-petabyte data stores: the era of Active Archiving

Volume retyping and Cinder backend configuring

Implementing OpenStack with S3 API Compatibility

Swift vs. Ceph: Find the Best Object Storage for Different Use Cases

Staypuft, TripleO and NetApp

Towards Software Defined Storage: Transforming Openstack backend storage

GlusterFS: the scalable open source storage backend for Manila

Realtime Monitoring and Automated Tuning of Cloud Storage: A Ceph Optimization story

Building a Personalized Cloud-based TV Services Platform on OpenStack

A Case for Fabric-Aware Datacenters to support a flexible OpenStack Storage Infrastructure

Centralized Storage Management using OpenStack

OpenStack Swift as a high throughput, scalable, secure file system backend

Swift 101: Technology and Architecture for Beginners

vSphere Storage Architecture on OpenStack

Different Strategies for Storage Utilization running Swift Object Storage

Using OpenStack Cinder to bridge Software-defined Storage and Service-refined Storage

Advancing Openstack Storage - A Review of Swift Storage Policies

Flash Enabled Cloud and Big Data; Are we there yet?

User Stories

Building an Automated Compliant Public Cloud

Do Not Use Shared Storage for OpenStack Instances

The Reality of Achieving Business Objectives to Host Software Services in the Cloud

Safran Morpho: 2 years with OpenStack for DevOps

User Experience for Delivery of NFV Services using OpenStack

Cisco's Media Solutions journey to the cloud with OpenStack

A private cloud for big data research: the Bigfoot story

Enabling email based password recovery for all users

Concept to Production: Lessons learned from recent Dell OpenStack experiences of 15 x OpenStack Deployments:

Accelerating OpenStack Sales Cycle

Design and Operation of OpenStack Cloud on 100 Physical Servers (NTT DOCOMO)

Take OpenStack Networking HA and Performance to the Next Level with OpenContrail

Huawei OpenStack Journey

SuperUser Fireside Chat: How Tapjoy Uses OpenStack to Deliver Billions of Daily Requests Globally

State of VM High Availability in OpenStack

LivePerson: Fully Elastic OpenStack deployment using Puppet, Heat, Tosca

OpenStack on OpenCompute with Ironic

The INFN Nationwide Cloud

An Android App for User Administration as template for further implementation projects

How SAP SE transformed a productive environment from virtualization to Cloud Computing with OpenStack

Service Provider Achieves Ultra-Agile Infrastructure using Cloudscaling OCS

Using OpenStack to Deliver a Swiss Public Cloud

Public Cloud experience by Numergy

Bringing Research to the Cloud: the NeCTAR Research Cloud

This is a test

OpenStack Automation with Windows is Possible! A Real Life Case Study

BBVA Bank on OpenStack

Deploying and running HP’s Platform Services as in-cloud workloads on HP Helion Clouds

Openstack, Open Storage, and Open Source in Academia: An Oregon State University and Intel collaboration.

User Story...Why I moved off Amazon S3 and onto Swift?

A Self-Driving Cloud: Experience on OpenStack Cloud Managed by Students Part Time

Getting the most out of Swift's flexibility

Running OpenStack services on ARM 64-bit servers - state of the union

FI-Lab: an OpenStack based multi-region cloud for stimulating EU innovation

Storage on Comcast's OpenStack Cloud

No Wait IT Keeps Developers Productive at Ubisoft

A Real-World Guide for Deploying an OpenStack Cloud Solution

Delivering Elastic Big Data Analytics with OpenStack Sahara and Distributed Storage

Seamless migration from Nova-network to Neutron in eBay production

Upgrading in Place from Grizzly to Icehouse: A Cautionary Tale

How we built a cloud based CI Platform for our OpenStack Network Testing Solution

HP Helion's results after 6 months of deploying OpenStack Swift - The good, the bad, the ugly

OpenStack + SDN make sense: China Unicom OpenStack deployment use case optimized by Huawei Solution, powered by Canonical JuJu

Using OpenStack for the next generation of cable TV

Cloud Journey Story-Telling: An enterprise success story on OpenStack, from multiple angles

NFS based Nova Instance boot process optimization

Real life experiences from running OpenStack at TradeStation

Scaling Embedded Software Engineering – Exercising Continuous Development and Integration on OpenStack

From DevStack to HA Stack with SaltStack

Ensuring disaster recovery with Swift

An Application-Driven Approach to OpenStack: Another Way to Engage Enterprises

Lessons Learned from Openstack Deployment in a Telco Environment

Adobe + OpenStack: improved agility, cost-savings, and consistency

Building Telco Grade Cloud Services with OpenStack at Orange

Taking advantage of our OpenStack cloud for a well-established R&D;

Building OpenStack Near the Users


OpenStack integration through Federation and OCCI

Secure, Scalable, Reliable / HA Private Cloud Based on OpenStack and Open Contrail SDN for Next-Gen SaaS Applications

Swiss Private School Chooses OpenStack for Security and Sovereignty

Being Different – Building an Identity on Commodity Clouds

A major global online auction site leverages Swift object storage - Lessons Learned

How Lithium used Cloudscaling OCS to bring IT into the Modern Cloud era

MIT and VMware: Taking IT to OpenStack Private Cloud

Experiences with Openstack TrippleO for deploying bare meta infrastructure in SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud

Network fencing best practice via heat orchestration

Docker Meets Swift: A Broadcaster's Experience

Newbies’ Guide to OpenStack and Heat, Explore and enable elastic cluster for Internet applications

OpenStack Success Stories in China from IBM

IGST - Why we selected Swift as our default Object Storage offering

Real Customer Wins with OpenStack

Deploy and Scale a Rendering Cloud on Thousands of Nodes Powered by KylinCloud

Meet The Jock of College Sports Backend Infrastructure - Pac-12

Telco Strategies

soft passthrough - high performance dataplane for NFV

Orange: a leading operator of the internet era leaping to Cloud

Customized OpenStack for Telco Cloud Infra based on Atom Server

Virtualized IMS requirements and practice over OpenStack platform

On-boarding NFV Applications for the Telco Cloud

NFV Industry Certification: What does this mean to OpenStack?

Hardware Strategies for the SDN/NFV-based Telco Data Center

Ceph: is the time ripe for high performance Telco workloads?

Methods to co-ordinate Disaster Recovery between Legacy IT and OpenStack Clouds

Instant Open Source NFV in Action

Orchestration Integration Patterns for SDN/NFV

Creating a Carrier-Grade Virtualized Network Function for Mobile Operators using Openstack

Infrastructure and NFV Aspects of a Carrier Grade Enabled Cloud

NFV in the Real World: A Hands-On Demo of an Elastic Deployment on OpenStack

Carrier Grade Open Stack

Virality Based Content Caching for NFV in an OpenStack Framework

Building a Cloud for Telco-Scale SDN and NFV

Your Margins Suck! (or, You're Might Not Like This)

Intelligent and Optimized resource placement for OpenStack enabled clouds: Achieving Efficiency for complex NFV workloads

Stacking Bad – Tales from the NFV lab : Enabling OpenStack to build Virtualized Network Functions

OpenStack Empowers Customer-Centric NFV

Supporting Telecom and NFV with the Open Source ecosystem

Openstack for NFV - Challenges and Opportunities

Embrace Physical Network Functions on the Journey to NFV

Network Function Virtualization: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

How to accommodate Openstack to fit with NFV requirements

Developing OpenStack as a Framework for NFV

Economics of NFV and OpenStack

Building a Cloud for Telco-Scale SDN and NFV

Bridging the Openstack gaps for NFV deployment

Building an NFV Orchestration Platform with Openstack

Enabling OpenStack for NFV Applications and Telco Grade SDN

Cloud Infrastructure for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)

How NFV will influence Cloud infrastructure – A Telco vendor perspective

High Performance NFV Infrastructure: DPDK Host Applications with Neutron/OpenStack and VNF Acceleration

Stacking Bad – Tales from the NFV lab : Enabling VLAN-aware-VMs in the field

Huawei SoftCOM, Reshape the Future way of Telco Industry based on OpenStack

Panel: Experience with OpenStack in Telco Infrastructure Transformation

Intelligent Scheduling, today, tomorrow, and the future

Optimal resource management based on policy for cloud and NFV IaaS use cases in OpenStack

Operationalize OpenStack NFV in Service Provider OSS/BSS Systems


Telekom Deutschlands Approach to NFV

OpenStack Interoperability for hosting multiple NFV workloads

OpenSource and NFV

Delivering Policy-Driven Infrastructure with OpenStack

No Category

Bringing your customers closer to your OpenStack project initiatives

Activity Dashboard Demo - getting to know OpenStack projects, activities and collaborators via the OpenStack Activity Dashboard

Public & Hybrid Clouds

Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange & Openstack

OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure for CMS Data Analysis

OpenCFM: SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud's bare metal infrastructure lifecycle management framework leveraging openstack

Hypervisor Overlay: the key to homogeneous hybrid clouds

Top Hybrid Cloud Myths Debunked

Hosting Traditional Bloated Applications in an OpenStack Public Cloud

Hybrid cloud orchestration

UnitedStack and Red Hat deliver OpenStack in China

Security best practices for an OpenStack Hybrid cloud solution

Inter-Cloud Resource Federation

Cloud Federation – are we there yet?

Keystone to Keystone Federation

Hybrid Cloud with OpenStack: Bridging The workload between private and Public

Creating a hybrind cloud between VCloud/VSphere and OpenStack

Integrating OpenStack into a federation of institutional private Clouds for eScience

Building Large Scale Cloud with OpenStack Cascading

Don't Let Them Sell You a Six-Legged Camel: OpenStack and Private Cloud

On-demand Openstack usage for a dynamic multi-role cluster

Cross-Region Cross-Cloud High Availability

Cold start booting of 1000 VMs under 10 minutes

Right Scheduler for the right OpenStack Hybrid cloud solution

Eating our own dog food: Upgrading Cloudwatt's development model to leverage OpenStack

How Hybrid Will Help OpenStack Win in the Cloud

The Super-Hypervisors

Building a Scalable Multi-Tenant Message Bus for and on OpenStack

Tempest Testing for Hybrid and Public Cloud Interoperability

How to deploy highly scalable hybrid clouds with SCALR and Red Hat OpenStack

OpenStack Training-on-Demand

Panel Discussion: Public or Private Cloud? What and Where Should Your Data Go?

Hybrid Disaster Recovery for Openstack

How to Weatherize OpenStack for Multi-Cloud

Hybrid cloud, cloud bursting and multicloud based on Openstack, Rightscale, AWS and Azure

Running OpenStack at Scale: Learnings from our experience with HP Helion Public Cloud

Deploying Cost Effective Infrastructure with Commoditized Hardware and Open Source Software

Best of Both Cloud Worlds

Avoid Building to Peak Capacity: extend OpenStack Off-Premises!

The Cloud is Dead, Long Live the Cloud!

Leveraging OpenStack to Manage a Hybrid Cloud (AWS, VMware, and OpenStack)


Hybrid Cloud War Stories: Expecting the Unexpected

Showcasing the Hybrid, Multi-Hypervisor OpenStack Cloud

Containers for Multi-Cloud Apps

Building Hybrid Clouds for OpenStack, Even if You Don't Control the Infrastructure

How To Leverage OpenStack to Reduce Public Cloud Lock-In

Hands-on Labs

Installing and configuring multi-node devstack for advanced testing scenarios

Neutron Debugging - Why Can't I Ping My VM?

Bring Your Own Application to the Cloud

Deploying resillient OpenStack clouds with DRBD

Ciao: Continuous Integration for Apps on OpenStack Workshop

Exploring your Horizons: An Activity driven workshop

Hands-on with OpenStack + vSphere

Deployment of OpenContrail SDN on OpenStack

Customizing and extending Horizon

Zero to Trove in 30 minutes... deploying DBaaS on OpenStack

Troubleshooting OpenStack

Red Hat Training: Configuring and Using Neutron Networking

Red Hat Training: Installing and Deploying OpenStack

OpenStack Swift Object Storage, Step by Step - Part 2

Barbican: Securing Your Secrets

OpenStack Swift Object Storage - Step by Step, Part 3

From Bare Metal to OpenStack in 30 Minutes

Software Driven Cloud Network with Arista Extensible Operating System (EOS) and OpenStack Networking (Neutron)

Hands on CloudKitty, an integreated pricing solution for OpenStack

Manual Installation of OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) for Two-Tiered Storage

Deploying OpenStack with COI

Automated Deployment of a Highly Available OpenStack Cloud

HEAT up your deployment: Creating a scalable solution using Auto Scale and HEAT

All for one, one for all: Hands-on Introduction to the Unified Client

OpenStack from Zero to Nova: An Activity-Driven Workshop

Where have all the cowboys gone: Utilizing Heat and other tools to build an automated, segregated, self-service lab utility for your sandbox users

The Wizard of O.S.: Config Files & Log Locations & Services... OH MY!

Getting Started with OpenStack and Troubleshooting for Novices

Hands-On Lab: OpenStack Deployment and Monitoring with Compass

Hands on with ZeroVM

Getting from Idea to Cloud

Hands On Tutorial: Configuring a Bare Metal SDN CLOS for OpenStack

Red Hat Training: Installing OpenStack with packstack and Foreman

OpenStack Networking Hands-on Lab

Hands on workshop for Neutron

Hadoop on Openstack (A Sahara Lab Experiment)

Red Hat Training: Using Ceph and Red Hat Storage Server in Cinder

Getting Started with OpenStack

Application Portability Within the OpenStack Marketplace

Using Heat and Other Tools to Deploy HIghly Available Environments

Getting Started with Ceph

Configure mobile management, monitoring and automation for your hybrid setup

Chef and OpenStack Deployment Workshop

How to write a driver for Designate

Hands on Lab to Deploy, Configure and Troubleshoot OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Routers

Hands On Trove: Database as a Service in OpenStack

Galera Cluster in Practice

Zero to Fifty (servers) in .5 seconds: A practical guide to writing Heat templates

Deploying resillient OpenStack clouds with Swift

Hybrid Cloud Made Simple, by SDN and NFV

Install and Operate Designate

Deploying Windows workloads with Heat and Juju

Basic OpenStack Architecture with Puppet

Deploying resillient OpenStack clouds with CEPH

OpenStack Swift object storage Step by Step, Part 1

Beginners guide to pbuilder, how to better manage openstack builds

Rally – Performance benchmarking of openstack – private cloud

Planning Your OpenStack Project

Creating a Custom Dashboard on Top of Horizon

OpenStack Design Guide Panel

Running OpenStack services in Docker containers

Race to Results Cloud Simulation

How can organizations transform orchestrated virtualization services to pure OpenStack Cloud services?

Townhall: Is OpenStack Enterprise Ready?

Enabling High Performance Computing Clouds with OpenStack Technology

Implementing a Quality of Service Offering for Storage

Succeeding with Three-Tiered Apps in an OpenStack Environment

The OpenStack Thunderdome

Moving from a VMware Centric Architect to an OpenStack Architect

Policy-based lifecycle management of Cloud Service deployed on OpenStack

Planning and Launching Your Own Commercially Available IaaS

A quantitive pricing model for your OpenStack cluster

Don't Try This on OpenStack (or Why Would You?)

Using Ceilometer

Deep Dive into Keystone Federation

Walk on Water: 20 Stepping Stones to Reach Production OpenStack Cloud (for Execs, PMs, Architects)

Transforming to OpenStack? A roadmap to work as a service

A Practical Approach to OpenStack High Availability

Delivering an OpenStack Platform While Staying True to Agile Principles

Planning for growth of your OpenStack environment

OpenStack Clouds in der Praxis

Reading Beyond the Blueprints: How OpenStack Can Work in Multi-Datacenter Environments

Software Defined Infrastructure: Provisioning and Managing an OpenStack Cloud

Federation Before Federated Keystone

How to enable Openstack HA capability in less than 15 minutes via Discover feature

Oh my, Dead Puppies Everywhere! A DefCore Update

Building a Ghetto OpenStack Cloud

Namos - Openstack Infrastructure manager

Enterprise Keystone - Best Practices and Findings

How to Build Frankenstack. (Please Don't.)

Using and Extending Horizon

Infrastructure at Scale

Building an OpenStack Cloud On-Demand

Planning for Your OpenStack Cloud Expedition


"IBM and Canonical: Simplifying OpenStack Deployment and "container" Provisioning

Best practices for MySQL High Availability

Optimizing VM Images for OpenStack with KVM/QEMU

Tempest on Real Hardware -- 24/7 CI

Life at the Intersection: OpenStack, Open Compute, and the Future of Open

Panel on Containers in OpenStack


Using LXC containers with Granite

Fanatical Monitoring of Nova at Scale

Adding Support for New Database Technologies in Trove; Guest Agents, Guest Images, Datastores and Datastore Versions

Demonstrating NFV on OpenStack

KVM, OpenStack, and the Open Cloud

Bare-metal provisioning of ARM servers using OpenStack

Ceilometer: Metering for your cloud

“Re-Heat” OpenStack Cloud Automation

Orchestrating Docker with OpenStack

Building an Application centric Openstack

OpenStack Trove replication and clustering in Juno, architecture and usage

Under the Hood with Nova, Libvirt, and KVM (Part Two)

Best Practices for deploying OpenStack in the Enterprise

Software Defined Availability for OpenStack Clouds

Scaling Ironic

Enabling OpenStack for Multi Hypervisor support

Quality of Service in Openstack

Tackling Resource Placement Challenges in Scaling to Multi-Cloud OpenStack Deployments

Intelligent Scheduling, today, tomorrow, and the future

We all use cells but most of us have only one

Glance Artifacts: Its Not Just for Images Anymore

Deploying Openstack controller services via Docker for scalability, portability and flexbility

Lessons learned from the largest containers deployment ever: Google

Loadbalancer high availablity (LB HA)

Bare Metal Provisioning with Nova-Razor-Driver Deep Dive

Everything you wanted to know about Trove but didn't know whom to ask

Use cases for the resource allocation in the Research Data Centers

Using OpenStack as Build Backend for the Open Build Service

The Advancing State of Containers in the Enterprise

Nova - for solving advanced production use-cases

Leveraging Logical Partitions as an alternative to Bare Metal and Software Virtualization

Implementing a Nova Cell architecture with Neutron

Multi tenant bare metal on OpenStack - going beyond Ironic.

Hardware in the cloud: Cleaning up after Bare Metal Ironic tenants

Beyond x86: Managing multi-platform environments with OpenStack

Openstack and Docker - It's complicated.

Containers, Bare Metal, and OpenStack

Hypervisior based DR in Openstack

Using nested virtualization in OpenStack with KVM

Under the Hood: Libvirt/KVM Driver Juno Update

HPC as a Service -- Isn't it Ironic?

Checkpointing and Restarting Apps in the Cloud

OpenStack scalability - A tragicomedy

Optimizing resource placements with capacity reservations in multi-cloud compute deployments

Workload Compute Resource Management 101 and Glance's new Metadata Definition Catalog

Testing OpenStack with OpenStack


Isolate compute node usage with OpenStack Nova host aggregates

Openstack scalability and debug

Community Building

Serving Two Master: Managing Open Source Contributors at a Startup

I don't give a s*** about the manual. You shouldn't either. Subtitle: Lessons learned from eight years in the industry.

Getting Work Done in a Flat World

Finding, joining, and building a strong OpenStack community in your area

The power of stories

Lessons learned in our Journey from 10 to more than 2500 members: OpenStack India User Group

The story of Japan OpenStack User Group:How to build up a local user community

OpenStack Coopetition Roundtable

Observations on how OpenStack is advancing the art of community

4 years in

The Case for User And Developer Experience

OpenStack Ecosystem - Value, Opportunity and Profit

From Graduate to OpenStack - Career Hacking

Just Say "No" to Faith-Based Software Development: Making the move to evidence-based open product development

OpenStack community metrics by Stackalytics

Rowin’ in the Wind

"Not Invented Here is Not an Option": The Importance of Cross-Community Collaboration


Making the case for Independent Contributors

Build Batter Community with "Speakva"

Improving OpenStack Scalability - A Call to Arms

Humor That Works: Programming Humans Through Humor

Mapping OpenStack Eco System

Openstack and SELinux

Organizing OpenStack meet-ups in China

Building a Cloud Career in OpenStack

Women in OpenStack: Get Empowered

Bringing User Needs Into The OpenStack Development Process

Meet the OpenStack Ambassadors

OpenStack the Beajolais Noveau of IT

Building the Dutch OpenStack community

Survey of OpenStack Community Metrics

The Cost of Going It Alone

Altruism as a Service: An Essential Pillar of OpenStack

China is the 2nd largest OpenStack Market in the globe

OpenStack 101 : Cloud computing made easy

Bringing OpenStack to the Larger Open Source Community

How Non profit community Can support openstack?

The numbers of the open cloud

OpenStack Meetups: Do they really have OpenStack at center stage?

Panel: Tips and Tools for Building a Successful OpenStack Group

How to Contribute

Who's Afraid of the DCO

Up and Running: Lessons from My First Six Months in the OpenStack Ecosystem

Contributing a big feature — Experiences with Neutron’s DVR feature in Juno

How To Maximize Effectiveness Of Your Developers Contributing To OpenStack

From noob to root: how I got involved with the OpenStack infrastructure team

Let's Build a 3rd-party CI Infrastructure

How to Contribute (Blueprint Specs, Code Contribution/Bug Fixing/Documentation) and effectively communicate with the OpenStack Community

How Open is Openstack?

No one RTFMs, why should we bother writing them?

Confessions of a (Mostly) Hidden Influencer

Starting a new OpenStack project from scratch

How to Run and Upkeep a 3rd party Openstack Community CI

Building the Future with the Community: Delivering Major Features in an Open Source Community

Contributing back as an operator

Contributing big with small ressources

Tales from the Ship: Navigating the OpenStack Community Seas

OpenStack Developer On-Ramp - Smooth Contribution Tips

Authentication and Credentials in Tempest

A longer way is not necessarily easier. Going to Nova

Scalable Continuous Integration at NetApp

The Fast and Furious 8: Contributing to OpenStack

Becoming active contributor from first commit in months

Trends in OpenStack Code Contributions

From the Trenches – A Team’s campaign tales

Meditation for code quality from a bug view

OpenStack QA in a nutshell

Coaching Coding as a Social Exercise - TTT for helping your engineers enjoy open activity

Land your first Neutron patch

Fast Path to Becoming an OpenStack Contributor

Contribute to OpenStack CI ----adding driver testes

Writing enterprise docs with an upstream. A life lesson in giving back.

Contributor’s Survival Guide

Slaying The Salmon of Doubt

Serving Two Master: Managing Open Source Contributors at a Startup

Bringing Operators, Users and Developers closer together

Demystifying the OpenStack Content Submission Process

OpenStack Hello World !!!

Show me the Databases: Getting Started with Trove on OpenStack